upcoming events


Slow Down with Nature

August 24-25, 2024
Camping at Hohe Wand, Lower Austria

Number of Participants: 30 people

Project Description:

We will meet on Saturday morning, August 24, 2024, at the Vienna Central Station and travel together to the Hohe Wand in Lower Austria. First, we will drop off our belongings at the campsite and then spend the day in nature. In the evening, we will have a barbecue by the campfire! On Sunday, after breakfast, we will hike over the Hohe Wand to Grünbach am Schneeberg to catch the train. We expect to be back in Vienna around 7:00/8:00 PM. You will receive the detailed program after registering in the WhatsApp group!

To bring:

  • Appropriate clothing (it will be quite warm!)
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Water bottle
  • Sturdy shoes
  • Sleeping bag, sleeping mat, tent, hammock (depending on what you have)
  • Knife (if available)
  • Cutlery and a plate or bowl
  • Snacks for Saturday and Sunday lunch
  • Snacks as desired
  • Headlamp
  • Rain jacket
  • Insect repellent

Pack so that you can carry your belongings on the train on Saturday! On Sunday, you only need to carry snacks and water for the hike; we will bring the rest (tents and such) to the station in Grünbach for you.

The costs for the train ride will be covered by us, as well as dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, which will be provided by us.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you and spending a weekend in nature!



30 Years of TÜWI - Sommer Festival @ Türkenschanzpark

TÜWI is an association for communication, interaction, and integration, celebrating its 30th anniversary. We will be present with an information booth and are excited to tell you about our NGO.

There will be live music, workshops, and information booths from various associations like ours 🙂

Come visit us – it will be awesome!